Paul's Autobiography"
"Paul's Autobiography
Galtians was written AD 48, in Central Turkey. The structure of Galatians is that Paul is giving a apologia, or a defense of correctiveness of the gospel as he first preached it to the Galattians." It's possible the outline of the letter closely follows the structure of a letter given with authority, not personal like Paul's prior letters. p. 174 Blomberg. The main theme of Galatians is justification, meaning the act of which sinners must get right in their relationship with God, not by keeping the law, but on the basis of God's grace, a grace that is supplied in Jesus alone, for those who trust in Jesus for their salvation. Jesus can only save us, not human effort anything else will result in spiritual death." McClendon p. 171-172.
17-Paul didn't go up to Jersualem to get to know Cephas, I stayed with him for 15 days. 19- I didn't see any other followers except James, The Lord's brother. 20- I declare that I am not lying to you. 21- Afterward I went to Syria and Clicia.
Galatians Ch. 2 vereses 1-2, Paul, then, after 14 years went back to Jersualem and took Barnabas with him, and went according to a revelation to preach to the Gentiles (NonJews) and a matter arose while he was there between false brothers who invaved the ranks and tried to spy on them and their freedom in Christ in order to enslave them." We didn't give up and submit to these people, for even a moment so the gospel would be preserved for you." They added nothing to me, on the contrary, they saw that I have been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumed, Peter for the circumcised. 5-7. 8-Snice, the one at work in Peter for apostleship to the Gentiles(NonJews). 9- When James, Cephas, and John those pillars recc. acknowledge the grace that the right hand of fellowship to me and Barnbas agreeing we should go to the Gentiles (NonJews) and they are circumused. 10- They only asked that we remember the poor, and I make every effort to do so. 20- I have been cruifed with Christ and I am no longer alive, but Christ lives in me. I live by faith and I love the Son of God who loves me and gave himself for me. 21- I don't set aside, the grace of God for riighteousness comes through not the law, then Christ died for nothing.
Galatians Ch. 1 v. 18-21, Commentary- "3 years later, after the Damacus Road he finally meets up with a few apostles and gets acquainted with them, Paul's ministry is in the middle." p. 255 Beale. 21- Paul went up to Syria to plant a church."
Gatians Ch. 2 verses 1-4 Commenarty- Paul refers to a visit in Jersualem in which he presented his mesage to James, Peter, and John, as well as Titus and Barnabas, yet Titus wasn't required to be circumsed even tholugh some false brothers tired to foce him to. If circumsion was neccessary his preaching would be in err and his cred. would be taranshied. 7- Paul made his stand, The Jersualem church accepted his ministry knowing he didn't require Gentiles to come under the Law of Moses, to find favor with God. The ministry of the people was for all, and not all based on Jew or Gentile. " 10- They desire to remember the poor saints of the time."
20- The faith Paul lives is by faith, Paul can only manage his new life Jesus gave him by faith."
21- He didn't set aside grace to cancel out one's faith and put it in their hands not Jesus." (Guzik, David)
The point of Paul's writing of Galatians was to defend his minstry and his message." A relationship woth Jesus is what matters most faith, not faith by works or the law." Are lives are Jesus' not defined by works."p. 250 Beale
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M.L.A. Works Cited Page
Worldview Study Bible
Galtians Chapter 1 verse 17
Galatians Chapter 1 verse 19
Galtians Chapter 1 verses 20-21
Galatians Chapter 2 verses 1-4
and 20-21
Holman Bibles
Nashville, Tn
1. Blomberg, Craig
"From Pathoms to Penecost" Second Ed.
Galatians: Genre and Scrcture
B and H Academic
Nashville, Tn
2. Baele, G.K>
"The Story Retold"
Galatians Bibical Themes"
p. 249-255
InterVarsity, Press,
Dowers Grove, IL
3. Guzik, David
Enduring Word
Galatians Commenary
Chapters 1 and 2
4. McClendon, Adam
"Apporaching The New Testament"
Galatians Chapters 1 and 2
p. 174 and 175.
B and H Cademic
Nashville, Tn
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