Acts And Paul

"Acts and Paul Commentary"

Inter Varsity Press

And B& H Academic 

  February, 6th, 2021

"Paul's Life" 

Paul was single by choice. His trade was a leather and  tentmaker. Paul was well versed in Greek, and Roman thought. He was a Roman citizen. According to Acts Chapters 13-14,    Paul's first Missionary Journey began in Asia Minor along with his friends Barbnas, and Mark. Leaving, He sailed to Cyrus, his friends left and Paul travelled to Perga, a city along the southern coast of Asia Minor. John and Mark went home. It was a fight that spilt up Paul and Barbnas, From Perga, they travelled to Antioch, and They visited the temple there on the Sabbath. Leaving they walked 90 miles southeast to Icounim(on a plateau) They found little success there and had to leave to aviod a stoning. He fled to Lystra, The next day he let for Debre with Barbnabs."( p. 336 Carter and Vang) They were well recieved there, many came to faith. When they came back to Antioch they remained with the church there encouraging them and reporting on how God has opened doors for the gospel among the Gentiles. While there, converts from the Jerusalem church came teaching salvation through Jesus required cirumscion to be effective. Paul was upset at this teaching that he brought the church there to resolve the issue." ( p. 337 Carter and Vang). 

Paul's second Missionary Trip (Acts:15-36) brought him to Europe. At the start of the trip, he got into a argument with his friend, Barnabas, he wanted to bring his nephew John Mark, but Paul didn't trust him to come this time. They were in Europe for the first time. This resulted in a separation. So, Paul asked Silas to come instead. They visited churches in Asia Minor. Going through Cilcia they came to Debre and Lystra, where Timothy was well versed in Jewish scriptures."  A change in direction caused Paul to travel to Troas, when He saw a vision of a man from Maceodonia calling him to come there to share the gospel." Landing in Neapolis they cont. to Phillipi, their stay was filled with victories and struggles. Paul left Bera and told Timothy and Silas to stay there and strengthen the church there. While, He moved on the Athens. While there he encountered a higher level of culture and philoshy and religion." p. 340 Vang and Carter). 

Paul arrived in Corthin in 46 BC, while there he met Priscilla and Aquila two Itialn Jews. He moved in with them and worked the leather trade." Timothy and Silas joined them there,  and found Paul witnessing to Jews mostly, but as the group con.t to oppose him they moved to a synagogue that a Gentile owned and from there Paul started a ministry that kept him in Corinth for 18 months." (p. 342 Carter and Vang). Paul left Corinth and went back to Antioch They travelled back to Ephesus only after a short stay and went to Jerusalem to speak to the church there, from there Paul went to Antioch." (p. 343 Carter and Vang). 

Paul's third Missionary Trip (Acts:18-22)

Paul went back to Ephesus. It was a fruitful trip. "Leaving there, He travelled to Troas from there, He sailed back to Macedonia to strengthen the churches there. While there, he met Titus and went to Corinth and stayed 3 months. From there he planned to sail to Antioch, in Syria, but when he discovered a plan to kill him he went to Macedonia. Paul, Timothy, and Tychicus went to Troas, and sailed away from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread. In 5 days, we reached them in Troas and we spent 7 days. Acts 20 5-6. Paul says farewell to the congregation in Ephesus  and pleads with them to stop giving into the false teaching. Acts 20 28-31. (p. 347 Carter and Vang). 

Paul arrives in Tyre, and then Ptolemais, Paul enters Casera, and is greeted by prophet Agabus, a prophet who predicts Paul will be put in jail if he con't to Jerusalem. The news doesn't faze Paul he pushes on. While in Jerusalem Paul meets with the apostles there. He is well received  by the church there. Paul's arrival there was an meeting with the church elders and is enisaged. (p. 361 Marshall).  The next day there was a meeting with James, and the church elders. The elders were there to ask Paul about the success of his missionary journey. Paul said it was successful and his work with the Gentiles was good too. (p. 362 Marshall.)  Soon after this, Paul was accused of advising the Jews who lived in gentile areas to be circumsied." There is no evidence that Paul tried to get the Jewish Christians to give up their customs." (p. 363 Marshall)
Paul was accused of attacking the fundamental symbols of the Jewish solidarity the people, the law, and the temple. Specifically, they said Paul brought Gentiles in the temple defiling it." The temple was divided into several concentric rectangular courts. Gentiles were allowed in the outermost court but weren't allowed from going any further into the court of women. Gentiles weren't allowed in the enclosure of the temple or death will happen. Paul was arrested as a result of this, and handcuffed and taken to Rome to jail by ship. While in jail, Paul was allowed to dee his friends and eat a meal." (p. 424 Marshall).  Paul set sail for Rome and encountered strong gale force winds and eventually got out of it.  Soon after, Paul arrives in Rome and contacted the leaders of the Jews and asks them to come over and snice he is on house arrest he tells them why he is there and he did nothing wrong with attacking Jewish customs. Still, He was handed over again to the Romans. Paul's case was feeble. The Romans think he should have been let go and set free of the charges. Paul appealed to Caser and  said again he didn't attack Jewish customs the only thing he wanted was to preach the gospel to the people. Paul met with the Jewish guests and the results of the meeting were that some people were persuaded and others not. As a result the group argued and Paul decided to preach to the Jews first and the Gentiles second." p. 446 Marshall. 
Afterword, "Paul stayed at his home for 2 years, still he was able to do mission work. What happen after this is unclear.  But there are some possibilities. Frist, Luke didn't know what happen next, second Paul's case was dropped or third, Paul was executed." p. 446 Marshall. But like I said this is  not clear. 

"Paul's death occurred around Spring of AD 66, or 67. Paul's last mentioned in the Bible is in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, "I have fought the good fight and I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. There is reserved in the future a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge give me." 

"Paul was beheaded at Aquae Salvia , a church located in Rome. A monument was est. to remember Paul's death." p. 266-267 Quarles, Charles. 

"I will not be ashamed about anything but that now, always with all courage Christ will be highly honored in body whether in life or by death." Phil 1:12. 

I believe that Paul's life and mission  was to preach the gospel. He didn't want anything in return no fame, no money, no nothing. He just wanted souls for Jesus. Of course, his mission was going to be hard, and long and filled with lots of life lessons, but like, He said he fought the good fight. he just wanted the people of his time to know Jesus. 

Biblical Studies and Related Disciplines   Works Cited Page 

1. Bible 

New American Standard Translation 

Phil. 1:12

The Zondervan Publishing House 


Grand Rapids, MI. 

2. Carter Terry, and Vang, Preben ( 2013) 

"Telling God's Story (the biblical narrative from beginning to end)" 2nd ed.

Act 3 "Paul's First and Second Missionary Journeys Acts:13:1-18:22

pages 335-343.

B & H Academic Publishing Group

Nashville, Tennessee 

3. Marshall I. Howard 

"Tyndale New Testament Commentary"
First printing 1980 

Chapter 8 "Paul's Arrest in Jerusalem" Acts 21:17-36.
pages 361-367.

"Paul And The Jews in Rome"

 Acts 28:17-30

InterVarsity Press Academic 

Dowers Grove, IL

4. Quarles  L. Charles 

"Illustrated Life of Paul" (2014)

Chapter 9 "Paul's Last Years"



B& H Academic Publishing 

Nashville, Tennessee 

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"I recieved a complimentary copy of these books from Intervarsity Press Academic and B & H Academic. I am only required to post a review, though not necessarily positive or negative. All opinions are solely therein my own." "I am disclosing this in accordance with The F.T.C. Title 16, Part 255, "Guides Concerning The Use of Endorsements And Testimonials in Advertising." 


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