The Crucifixion and Resurrection Matthew Commentary

Matthew Commentary: The Crucifxion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of


Intervarsity Press

And Baker Books

May 10th, 2020

"The weight of it (the cross) was beyond the strength of Jesus."  "Jesus was hanged on the cross nailed at the front of the wrist with, heavy iron nails." He began to get tired and his arms cramped and throbbed in pain."
ans the veins of the skin." "The blows of the whip produced small balls of lead, and large deep bruises which are broken by subsequent blows." "Finally the back of his skin is hanging in long ribbons(picture shredded hamburger) of torn bleeding tissue." "The crown of thrones pressed deep into his scalp causing bleeding." (C, Truman Davis, M.D.)

"At the time two robbers were crucified with Him one on the right, and one on the left."  And Those passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, And saying "You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, Save Yourself. If you are The Son of God come down from the Cross."  "He saved others; He cannot save Himself. He is The King of Israel ; let Him come down from the Cross and we will believe in Him."  "Now, from the sixth hour darkness fell upon the land until the ninth hour." "Therefore When Jesus had received the sour wine(offered) "The drink of wine, was understood to be a narcotic to reduce the pain of crucifixion Jesus refusal might have meant he wanted to undergo his fate fully awake." p.
401.   He said "It is finished" and He bowed His head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:38) New American Standard Version. After the Crucifixion,  Darkness came over the earth from noon until 3:00 pm, The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, The earth shook, The rocks split, The tomb broke, And finally, The bodies of The Holy people who has died were raised." (Matthew 27-45, 51,52).  The preparation of Jesus body for burial  was according to Jewish custom,  According to John Chapter 19 verses 38-42,  "Nicodemus who had first come to Him (Jesus) by night, also came bringing a mixture of myrrh(a natural compound used as a perfume, or a medicine." Aloes, a topical medication used to treat burns, and scars, about one hundred pounds weight." So they took the body of Jesus and bound it up in linen wrappings with the spices." Since the tomb was nearby they laid Jesus there." (New American Standard Translation). Jesus laid in the tomb for three days. And then this happened "When they arrived they were surprised to find the stone had already been removed." (William p. 293.)  On entering the tomb, they saw and angel who looked like a young man." "The angel comforted the woman saying "Don't be alarmed There is no reason to look for living among the dead." "Jesus is not here He has risen." (William p. 293.) It gets better. After that, Jesus appeared to some  people, According to Mark Chapter 16 verses 9-12, He appeared  to  Mary, from who he cast out 7 demons. She went to report it they didn't believe her." After that He appeared to two of them while they were walking (doesn't say who) They told others but they did not believe them either." He also appeared to Thomas, "A week later the disciples met in the same house, and though, the doors were locked Jesus instantly was standing in the room." He said to Thomas "Put your finger in the nail wounds and put your hand in my side." Stop doubting Thomas and believe," Thomas said "My Lord and My God". Jesus said You believe because you have seen me; blessed those who believe though have not seen me."
(William p. 297).

M.L.A. Works Cited Page

1. New American Standard Bible

Matthew Chapter 27 Verses 38-50

Matthew Chapter 50

John Chapter 19:-42.

Zondervan Publishing House

Grand Rapids, MI

2. France, R.T.

The Book of Matthew Tyndale Commentary
Chapter 5:"The Death And Resurrection of Jesus"
Matthew 26:1-28-20
Intervarsity Press,

Reprinted 2008
Dowers, Grove, IL

3. Medical Facts Crucifixion"
Truman, C. Davis, M.D.
Date Accessed- April 14th, 2020.

4.Willam, Dr. Marty

"The Whole Bible Story: Illustrated Edition
"Everything That Happens In The Bible in Plain English"
Chapter 18 "Burial and Resurrection of Jesus"
pages 293-297.
Baker Books, 2017 A Division of Baker Publishing
Grand Rapids, MI.

F.T.C. Disclaimer- "I received a compenarty copy of This book from Inter Varsity Press,


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