The Crucifixion and Resurrection Matthew Commentary
Matthew Commentary: The Crucifxion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Intervarsity Press And Baker Books May 10th, 2020 "The weight of it (the cross) was beyond the strength of Jesus." "Jesus was hanged on the cross nailed at the front of the wrist with, heavy iron nails." He began to get tired and his arms cramped and throbbed in pain." ans the veins of the skin." "The blows of the whip produced small balls of lead, and large deep bruises which are broken by subsequent blows." "Finally the back of his skin is hanging in long ribbons(picture shredded hamburger) of torn bleeding tissue." "The crown of thrones pressed deep into his scalp causing bleeding." (C, Truman Davis, M.D.) "At the time two robbers were crucified with Him one on the right, and one on the left." And Those passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, And saying "You who are going to destroy the temp...