
Showing posts from March, 2019

Suffering Is Never for Nothing

The late Ms. Elisabeth Elliot's first husband was working in the missionary field in Ecuador when he was killed by the Indians. 2 years later, Ms. Elliot went to live with them. 16 years later, she remarried a theologian named Addison Leitch. 2 years later,  he passed away of cancer. Ms. Elliot asked the all too familiar question Where was Jesus in all of this? Why didn't he stop it? Why didn't he keep it from happening?  John 16:33, "You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world." (Christian Standard Translation) The thesis of what Ms. Elliot is saying is simple People aren't immune from suffering. Be strong Jesus is saying Because I have overcome the world. The cross overcame the world and this is why we may endure a hardship. But still, it is not as bad as what Jesus went through. Being arrested, being nailed to a cross, not to mention a crown of thrones being shoved on your head. Being spat on, mocked, beaten and while y...