
Showing posts from April, 2020

Foundations of The Christian Faith Inter Varsity Press

Let me propose a question to the reader What is sin? Is it doing something wrong without understanding that it is wrong? Or is it doing something wrong knowingly? Or is sin going your own way and ignoring God all together? Sin is all of the above.  Sin is simply going against God and doing what you want.  But what kinds of sins are wrong? For example, is lying worse than murder? Or is stealing worse than borrowing without asking? In God's eyes it's all the same. Sin is sin.  There is not a yardstick that measures sin. What is not bad or bad. Why? Because God judges everyone the same. No special treatment. For example, A celebrity is no different than you and me in God's eyes. Every person  that sins must answer for it. Every person must be held accountable for their actions even sins. For example, when Adam and Eve sinned they were punished for it too.  God had to seek justice for the sin and as a result this affected human history today. This is the F...